Friday 7 December 2012

Users and permissions in Database

Below Script is used to find the Users in Database and their permissions

SQL Server 2000

use [master]
select db_name(0)AS DBName,, CASE WHEN a.isntgroup =1 AND a.isntuser=0 THEN 'Windows Group'
    WHEN a.isntgroup =0 AND a.isntuser=1 THEN 'Windows Login'
    WHEN a.issqlrole=1 THEN 'Database Role'
    ELSE 'SQL Login' END AS 'Login Type',USER_NAME(b.groupuid) AS 'AssociatedRole' , 'Login_ID'
from  master..syslogins sl join dbo.sysusers a  on a.sid=sl.sid   LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.sysmembers b ON a.uid=b.memberuid where a.altuid<>1 and a.uid not in (1,2) AND 'DBName' NOT IN ('master','msdb','model','tempdb') ORDER BY a.Name

SQL Server 2008

use [master]
Select db_name(0) As DBName, 'User_Name',
CASE WHEN a.isntgroup =1 AND a.isntuser=0 THEN 'Windows Group'
    WHEN a.isntgroup =0 AND a.isntuser=1 THEN 'Windows Login'
    WHEN a.issqlrole=1 THEN 'Database Role'
    ELSE 'SQL Login' END AS 'Login Type',USER_NAME(b.groupuid) AS 'AssociatedRole' , 'Login_ID'
from master..syslogins sl join sysusers a on sl.sid=a.sid
LEFT OUTER JOIN sysmembers b ON a.uid=b.memberuid
--where a.altuid<>1

SQL Server 2008

use master
Select db_name(0) As DBName, 'User_Name',
CASE WHEN a.isntgroup =1 AND a.isntuser=0 THEN 'Windows Group'
    WHEN a.isntgroup =0 AND a.isntuser=1 THEN 'Windows Login'
    WHEN a.issqlrole=1 THEN 'Database Role'
    ELSE 'SQL Login' END AS 'Login Type',USER_NAME(b.groupuid) AS 'AssociatedRole' , 'Login_ID',
from master..syslogins sl join sysusers a on sl.sid=a.sid
LEFT OUTER JOIN sysmembers b ON a.uid=b.memberuid
left join sys.database_principals dp on dp.principal_id=a.uid
--where a.altuid<>1

Script to find User Permissions on all DB's in a SQL Server 

create table #DBuserperm (DBName varchar(100),User_Name varchar(100),Login_Type varchar(100)
,Associated_Role varchar(100),LoginID varchar(100),Default_Schema_Name varchar(100),)
declare @dbname varchar(100)
declare @sqlQuery nvarchar(4000)

declare dbcursor CURSOR for
select name from sys.databases
where name not in ('master','model','msdb','tempdb')

OPEN dbcursor
into @dbname


set @sqlQuery='Use ['+@dbname+']'
      set @sqlQuery =@sqlQuery+ 'Select db_name(0) As DBName, '''+'User_Name'+''',
CASE WHEN a.isntgroup =1 AND a.isntuser=0 THEN '''+'Windows Group'+'''
    WHEN a.isntgroup =0 AND a.isntuser=1 THEN '''+'Windows Login'+'''
    WHEN a.issqlrole=1 THEN '''+'Database Role'+'''
    ELSE '''+'SQL Login'+''' END AS '''+'Login Type'+''',USER_NAME(b.groupuid) AS '''+'AssociatedRole'+''' , '''+'Login_ID'+''',
from master..syslogins sl join sysusers a on sl.sid=a.sid
LEFT OUTER JOIN sysmembers b ON a.uid=b.memberuid
left join sys.database_principals dp on dp.principal_id=a.uid'

insert into #DBuserperm
      exec sp_executesql @sqlQuery 

into @dbname

select * from #DBuserperm
drop table #DBuserperm
CLOSE dbcursor
Deallocate dbcursor

Friday 9 November 2012

SQL Server Detailed Configuration Information

Below script is used to find the detailed information about the configuration of SQL Server

create table #SVer(ID int,  Name  sysname, Internal_Value int, Value nvarchar(512))
insert #SVer exec master.dbo.xp_msver

declare @SmoRoot nvarchar(512)
exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Setup', N'SQLPath', @SmoRoot OUTPUT

declare @HkeyLocal nvarchar(18)
declare @ServicesRegPath nvarchar(34)
declare @SqlServiceRegPath sysname
declare @BrowserServiceRegPath sysname
declare @MSSqlServerRegPath nvarchar(31)
declare @InstanceNamesRegPath nvarchar(59)
declare @InstanceRegPath sysname
declare @SetupRegPath sysname
declare @NpRegPath sysname
declare @TcpRegPath sysname
declare @RegPathParams sysname
declare @FilestreamRegPath sysname

select @HkeyLocal=N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'

-- Instance-based paths
select @MSSqlServerRegPath=N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer'
select @InstanceRegPath=@MSSqlServerRegPath + N'\MSSQLServer'
select @FilestreamRegPath=@InstanceRegPath + N'\Filestream'
select @SetupRegPath=@MSSqlServerRegPath + N'\Setup'
select @RegPathParams=@InstanceRegPath+'\Parameters'

-- Services
select @ServicesRegPath=N'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services'
select @SqlServiceRegPath=@ServicesRegPath + N'\MSSQLSERVER'
select @BrowserServiceRegPath=@ServicesRegPath + N'\SQLBrowser'

-- InstanceId setting
select @InstanceNamesRegPath=N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL'

declare @InstallSqlDataDir nvarchar(512)
exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread @HkeyLocal, @SetupRegPath, N'SQLDataRoot', @InstallSqlDataDir OUTPUT

declare @BackupDirectory nvarchar(512)
exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread @HkeyLocal, @InstanceRegPath, N'BackupDirectory', @BackupDirectory OUTPUT

create table #serverinfo (Name varchar(100), Value sql_variant)

insert #serverinfo
select 'Machine Name' Name,serverproperty('Machinename') Value
union all
select 'Server Name',@@Servername
union all
select name,value
from #SVer
where name in ('ProductVersion','Language','PhysicalMemory','ProcessorCount','FileDescription')
union all
select 'RootDirectory',@SmoRoot
union all
select name,value_in_use
from sys.configurations
name in ('max server memory (MB)','max degree of parallelism','cost threshold for parallelism',
'default trace enabled','Database Mail XPs')
union all
select 'Edition',serverproperty('Edition')
union all
select 'Product Level',serverproperty('productlevel')
union all
select 'Version',replace(substring(@@version,1,charindex('-', (@@version))),'-','')
union all
select 'collation',serverproperty('collation')
union all
select 'IsCaseSensitive',CAST(case when 'a' <> 'A' then 1 else 0 end AS bit)
union all
select 'ResourceVersionString',SERVERPROPERTY(N'ResourceVersion')
union all
select 'ResourceLastUpdateDateTime',SERVERPROPERTY(N'ResourceLastUpdateDateTime')
union all
select 'IsClustered',serverproperty('isclustered')
union all
select 'IsIntegratedSecurityOnly',serverproperty('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly')
union all
select 'IsSingleUser',serverproperty('IsSingleUser')
union all
select 'SQLDataRoot', @InstallSqlDataDir
union all
select 'BackupDirectory', @BackupDirectory
union all
select name,enabled from msdb.dbo.sysjobs
union all
select name,'EMail ID:- '+email_address+' Net Send :-'+isnull(netsend_address,' ') from msdb.dbo.sysoperators
union all
select name,has_notification from msdb.dbo.sysalerts

select * from #serverinfo

Drop table #SVer,#serverinfo

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Script to find Index Details

--- Below query is used to find the Index Details in a Database

select DB_NAME(a.database_id) DBName,OBJECT_NAME(a.object_id) Obj_Name,
sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(db_id('mywork'),NULL,NULL,NULL,'LIMITED') As a

--- Below query is used to find the Detailed Index Details in a Database

select DB_NAME(a.database_id) DBName,OBJECT_NAME(a.object_id) Obj_Name,,
sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(db_id('mywork'),NULL,NULL,NULL,'DETAILED') As a
JOIN sys.indexes AS i
ON a.object_id = i.object_id AND a.index_id = i.index_id

--- DMV to check the Index Usage Statistics

select DB_NAME(database_id) DBName,OBJECT_NAME(object_id) Obj_Name,
* from sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats
where DB_NAME(database_id)='mywork'
order by last_user_scan desc

Saturday 20 October 2012

TableSpace Utilization Report

Below  Script is used to find the Tablespace utilization details in a Oracle Database

select a.tablespace_name,a.Total_Size_MB,b.Free_Size_MB,
(a.Total_Size_MB-b.Free_Size_MB) Used_Size_MB,
round(((a.Total_Size_MB-b.Free_Size_MB)/a.Total_Size_MB)*100,2) Pct_Used,
round((b.Free_Size_MB/a.Total_Size_MB)*100,2) Pct_Free
(select tablespace_name,sum(bytes/1024/1024) Total_Size_MB
from dba_data_files
group by tablespace_name) a,
(select  tablespace_name,sum(bytes/1024/1024) Free_Size_MB from dba_free_space
group by tablespace_name) b
where a.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name
union all
select d.tablespace_name,
(d.free_mb+d.used_mb) total_mb,
(select tablespace_name,round(sum(bytes_free/1024/1024),2) free_mb,
round(sum(bytes_used/1024/1024),2) used_mb
from v$temp_space_header
group by tablespace_name) d

Saturday 13 October 2012

TSQL to find Time lag between Principal and Mirror DB

---Below Script is used to find the time of oldest transaction log which was last sent to Mirroring DB (Time lag between Principal and Mirror DB)

--Below Script will append the Database mirroring to monitor table
--if the same is not updated in last 15 seconds (approx)

create table #dbmmonitor
(database_name varchar(100),role varchar(100),
mirroring_state varchar(100),witness_status varchar(100),
log_generation_rate int,unsent_log int,send_rate int,
unrestored_log int,recovery_rate int,transaction_delay int,transactions_per_sec int,
average_delay int,time_recorded datetime,time_behind datetime,local_time datetime)

insert into #dbmmonitor
Exec msdb..sp_dbmmonitorresults 'dbmir',0,1

declare @time_recorded datetime, @time_behind datetime

select @time_recorded=time_recorded,@time_behind=time_behind from #dbmmonitor

declare @hour int,@min int,@sec int,@day int
declare @old_unsent_trn varchar(100)

select @hour=(DATEDIFF(hh,@time_behind,@time_recorded))%24
select @min=(DATEDIFF(mi,@time_behind,@time_recorded))%60
select @sec=(DATEDIFF(ss,@time_behind,@time_recorded))%60
select @day=(DATEDIFF(ss,@time_behind,@time_recorded))/86400

select @old_unsent_trn=convert(varchar(20),@day)+':'+convert(varchar(20),@hour)+':'+convert(varchar(20),@min)+':'+convert(varchar(20),@sec)
select @old_unsent_trn 'Oldest Unsent Transaction'

drop table #dbmmonitor

---Using msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_data table for results
exec msdb.dbo.sp_dbmmonitorresults 'dbmir',0,1

declare @local_time1 datetime,@end_of_log_lsn1 bigint,@failover_lsn1 bigint
declare @local_time2 datetime,@end_of_log_lsn2 bigint,@failover_lsn2 bigint
declare @min int,@hour int,@day int,@min1 int
declare @old_unsent_trn varchar(100)

select top(1) @local_time1=local_time,@end_of_log_lsn1=end_of_log_lsn,
from msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_data
order by local_time desc

--select @local_time1 local_time1,@end_of_log_lsn1 end_of_log_lsn1
--,@failover_lsn1 failover_lsn1

select top(1) @local_time2=local_time,@end_of_log_lsn2=end_of_log_lsn,
from  msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_data
where end_of_log_lsn=@failover_lsn1
order by local_time desc

--select @local_time2 local_time2,@end_of_log_lsn2 end_of_log_lsn2
--,@failover_lsn2 failover_lsn2

select @day=(DATEDIFF(ss,@local_time2,@local_time1))/86400
select @min1=DATEDIFF(mi,@local_time2,@local_time1)
select @hour=convert(int,@min1)/60

select @min=convert(int,@min1)%60

--select @day,@hour,@min1
select @old_unsent_trn=convert(varchar(20),@day)+':'+convert(varchar(20),@hour)+':'+convert(varchar(20),@min)
select @old_unsent_trn 'Oldest Unsent Transaction'